"This Space For Free" Conference Advertising
We offer free conference advertising for our users, on subjects
directly relevant to the scientific interests of The Astronomer's Telegram. Requests for this
service should be made by a member of the local scientific
committee, to Robert Rutledge ([email protected]).
The request should include:
- the advertisement, consisting of a graphic
(in JPG, PNG, or GIF format), which must be within 180x140 pixels (width by
height). The graphic must include:
- Conference title.
- Conference start and end date
- Conference city
- A working URL linking to conference information
- Requested start and end date for the advertising.
- Optionally, the start dates (Monday) for up to 2 "exclusive
weeks"; these are weeks where only your conference will be
adverised. Possible choices might include the week that abstracts
are due, and the week that registration closes.
Advertisement requests may be made at any time. Display of
advertisements is currently made on a "least seen" basis, where if
multiple advertisements are running, the one which will be displayed
will be that which is has been "least seen" (usually, the one
running longest).